Female Waxing.
Male Waxing.
Waxing Savvy.
Contact Us.


Female Waxing

Male Waxing

Waxing Savvy

Contact Us

Tel Penny:   07762177404


Would you like less body hair? Does the man or woman in your life wish you were, well, just less hairy? What ever the reason we will do our best to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Your comfort and privacy is our priority. Wax & Co prides itself in using high quality products from the leading Perron Rigot Range.

You can be waxed from top to toe or just the bits in the middle. This includes:


MALE BRAZILIAN WAX - All the hair removed except the hair above the penis.

MALE HOLLYWOOD WAX - All hair removed.

Waxing Prices

Nostrils                                                    £7

Eyebrows                                                £10

Chest                                                       £15

Abs                                                          £15

Chest & Abs                                            £25

Full back & shoulders                             £20

Chest, back & shoulders                        £30

Underarm                                                £10

Full arm                                                   £16

Half arm                                                   £11

Full leg (inc knees & feet)                        £24

Lower leg                                                 £15


Extreme Waxing Prices


Butt crease                                    £15

Buttocks (ex.  crease)                   £20

Full buttocks (Inc. crease)             £25

Male Brazilian (inc. crease)           £40

Male Hollywood (Inc. crease)         £45

Tips:  If you do not want all the pubic triangle removed you can just have it trimmed and shaped instead.

If what you want waxed or your chosen combination is not displayed, please ask.

Male Waxing in Bournemouth, Poole &  Dorset.

Specialising in Extreme Waxing
















